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  • 1. (2020六下·高港期末) 阅读下列短文,判断正误。

    Many people like shopping online. They can shop at home now. Some people say that shopping online is easy, they can shop for many things at home at anytime. They don't need to buy things in the shop. They don't have to bargain(讲价), they just need send an email and then pay(付钱)for the things with a credit card (信用卡).

    But some people don't think the things in the online shop are good, because in an online shop people can only see some pictures. A dress may look nice on a model(模特), but it may not fit the shopper. Yet(然而) shopping online becomes the important part of people's life.

    1. (1) "Shopping online "means" buying the things on the Internet".
    2. (2) Everyone pays for the things online.
    3. (3) People pay for the things with money.
    4. (4) People like all the things online.
    5. (5) Shopping online has a risk(风险).
