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  • 1. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    Once upon a time, there was a lion in the forest. He was very scary and ate a lot of animals. The other animals in the forest were afraid that the lion would eat them all, so they 1 to do something. They told the lion,"If you 2 to eat only one animal each day, one of us will come to you every day. Then you don't have to 3 food. All you need to do is waiting for the animal to come and eat it."The lion thought it was a good 4 and agreed.

    The next day, the rabbit went to the lion.When the rabbit 5 , the lion was very hungry. He wasn't happy and asked,"Why are you so 6 ?"

    "I was hiding (躲避) from another lion. That lion said he was the king in the forest, so I was 7 ,"the rabbit answered.

    The lion was angry and he 8 to the rabbit,"I'm the 9king here! Take me to that lion, and I'll 10 him."

    The rabbit said,"I'm happy to 11 you where he lives." The rabbit led (引领) the lion to a well (水井) and said, "Look! That 12 lives inside."

    When the lion looked in the well, he saw his 13 in the water. But he thought that it was the other lion. Feeling so angry, he jumped into the well to kill the other lion. The well was very deep and the lion 14 came out. Without the lion, all of the other animals in the forest lived a happy life.

    What a(n) 15 rabbit! He helped the animals get rid of (摆脱) the scary lion with his wisdom (智慧).

    A . seemed B . forgot C . decided D . loved
    A . promise B . expect C . wonder D . learn
    A . send for B . ask for C . wait for D . look for
    A . job B . idea C . symbol D . answer
    A . left B . jumped C . ate D . arrived
    A . wet B . late C . free D . loud
    A . bored B . scared C . shy D . friendly
    A . ran B . listened C . shouted D . fought
    A . only B . same C . possible D . other
    A . visit B . kill C . choose D . question
    A . show B . keep C . follow D . describe
    A . giraffe B . tiger C . panda D . lion
    A . child B . seat C . face D . meal
    A . also B . still C . just D . never
    A . outgoing B . smart C . pretty D . serious
