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  • 1. 根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺,其中有一项是多余选项。

    China is not only famous for its cute pandas, but also for the animal's favorite food — bamboo. China grows the most bamboo in the world. That's why it got the name — Kingdom of Bamboo. Bamboo has a very long history in China.

    Chinese people have used bamboo in many ways. For example, the plant was once an important building material (材料) in China. Even today, we can find some of such buildings around us. In the past, people also made bamboo into rafts (竹筏) to get across rivers and lakes or go fishing. In the past, before Chinese people had paper to use, they used bamboo as"paper"to write on. What's more, Chinese people have used this plant to make food, play music and so on. Chinese people think that bamboo is a symbol of good characters (品质). It grows straight and tall. It can stand bad weather. And its green color is a good example of elegance (雅致). Su Shi, a famous writer of the Song Dynasty, wrote in his poem, "I would rather eat no meat than live without bamboo."Do you love bamboo?

    A. Bamboo grows very fast.

    B. So, Chinese people love bamboo very much.

    C. People used it to build houses, bridges and so on.

    D. Bamboo also has a special place in Chinese culture.

    E. Today, in some places, it's still possible for us to take a ride on a bamboo raft.

    F. The history of Chinese people planting and using bamboo goes back about 7,000 years.
