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  • 1. 阅读理解

    There are many kinds of butterflies in NorthAmerica. Monarchs and Pygmy Blues are two examples. These two insects (昆虫) have some of the same features (特征). They taste leaves withtheir feet. They can only see the colors red, yellow and green. However, theyare different from each other in many ways too.

    Size andColor

    The Pygmy Blue is the smallest butterfly inthe world. It is 1.2 cm across. Monarchs are bigger. They are about 10 cmacross.

    Monarchs are bright orange and black. Theyare quite visible (可见的). PygmyBlues are brown and blue. They are harder to see. You could be right next to aPygmy Blue and not even notice it.


    Each year, most butterflies migrate (迁徙). Monarchs travel a long way,farther than any other butterfly. Some travel more than 5,000 km! PygmyBlues, on the other hand, take shorter trips. Both move for the same reasons.They move to warmer places when it gets cold. They also move to findfood.


    Both Pygmy Blues and Monarchs drink nectar (花蜜). Pygmy Blues can drinkmany kinds of nectar. Food is easy for them to find. However, finding food isharder for Monarchs. They can only drink nectar from the milkweed plant.

    When people build new houses and roads,milkweed plants are lost. So Monarchs have more trouble finding food as timegoes on. And the number of monarchs becomes less each year.

    People today have learned that some insectsmust be protected. They work to make laws to save those in danger. Learningabout butterflies and what they need is important. That way, we can help them survive (存活) now and in the future.

    1. (1) What do Monarchs and Pygmy Blues have in common?
      A . The number of both of them becomes less each year. B . They travel more than 5,000 km every year. C . People can easily notice both of them. D . Blue is not visible to their eyes.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE about the two kinds of butterflies?
      A . Pygmy Blues take longer trips than Monarchs. B . Monarchs are much smaller than Pygmy Blues. C . Finding food is easier for Pygmy Blues than Monarchs. D . There are more people helping Pygmy Blues than Monarchs.
    3. (3) What's the writer's purpose of writing the last paragraph?
      A . To call on us to protect butterflies. B . To tell us how to survive in the future. C . To introduce different kinds of butterflies. D . To ask us to build fewer new houses and roads.
    4. (4) Where does this passage probably come from?
      A . A storybook. B . A travel book. C . A news report. D . A science magazine.
