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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Do you set goals (设立目标) for yourself? Do you knowwhy you should set goals?

    Take control (控制) of your life. Many peopletoday are sleepwalking through life. Though they work hard, they don't feellike they are getting what they want. Setting goals helps you take control ofyour life. When you don't do it, you may spend yourwhole life running up and down and not achieve (实现) anything. When you setgoals and think about what you want, you start living a life that you reallywant to live. You will not let others tell you what to do, but take control ofyour life and think about what you want for yourself.

    Get the best results. Top performers and successfulpeople all set goals. That's because when you setgoals, you make sure that you are trying your best to get the best results. It'simportant to know what you are not good at and then get it improved. If you don't setgoals, how are things going to improve?

      ▲   Goals help you achieve yourhighest potential ( 潜能).After setting goals, you work hard to achieve them. The goals make you venture ( 敢于去) intonew places and do something you have never done before, which helps you growup. Goals make you reach new heights. For example, setting a time for your runlets you know if you should be running faster. Setting a weight loss (减重) goal helps you know ifyour actions have been useful in losing weight.

    All in all, goal setting is your first pointtowards success. Remember that all things are created twice: first in the mind,then in the physical world. The first one happens when you set your goals. Thesecond one happens when you work on your goal and bring it to life.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2 refer to?
      A . Setting goals. B . Working hard. C . Waiting for things to happen. D . Letting others tell you what to do.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the best for""?
      A . Achieve your success. B . Be the best you can be. C . You are who you are. D . Be brave to do anything.
    3. (3) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . Ways towards success. B . Reasons for setting goals. C . Facts about life and potential. D . Activities to achieve your goals.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the right structure for the passage?(①=Paragraph 1; …)
      A . B . C . D .
