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    Do you know the monkey orange? It sounds interesting, doesn't it? The name"monkey orange"really has something to do with monkeys because they enjoy eating the fruit.

    The monkey orange tree grows in Africa. It can grow to about seven meters tall. The fruit is round, about the size of a grapefruit (葡萄柚). As monkey oranges are fully grown, they turn from green to yellow. But the flesh (果肉) of the fruit is brown or orange.

    The monkey orange's good taste makes it a popular fruit in Africa. People eat it also because it's good for their health. However, it's not just a kind of fruit. Monkey orange trees and monkey oranges can play a role in other ways.

    Monkey orange trees don't need a lot of rain to grow. So when there is not enough rain and crops (庄稼) don't grow well, people can eat monkey oranges as their healthy food. People make this fruit into juice or some other drinks. Selling the fruit can help people get more money.

    People use the wood (木头) of monkey orange trees to make useful things. Also, the leaves of monkey orange trees are useful for keeping insects away. Farmers grow the trees around their farms to help preserve fertile soil (保持肥沃的土壤).

    All in all, monkey oranges are much more than just a fruit! They are important to African people.

    Monkey Orange

    Where does it grow?

    In .

    What does it look like?

    ◆It is , about the size of a grapefruit.

    ◆As it's fully grown, it turns from green to yellow, but the flesh of the fruit is .

    How important is it to African people?

    ◆They eat it as a healthy fruit.

    ◆They can eat it if there is not enough food.

    ◆They make it into juice or some other drinks.

    ◆They can get more money by the fruit.

    ◆They use the wood of the tree to make something.

    ◆They use of the tree to keep insects away.

    ◆They use the tree to help preserve fertile soil.
