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  • 1. (2023九下·长兴月考) 假如你是航天博物馆的工作人员,请根据下面的图文说明,在所给篇章的空白处填入合适的数字、单词或词组,完成对此航天服的介绍。

    The Feitian Spacesuit

    Here is the introduction about the Feitian spacesuit. Spacewalks can be dangerous with no air in space, but the spacesuit can keep astronauts safe. It costs million yuan. There are layers in it. Layer 1 is the closest to astronauts' bodies. It collects astronauts' urine (尿液). Layers 2—5 are used to inside the suit. Layer 6 protects astronauts from radiation. Astronauts can take pictures during spacewalk with a camera in the suit. Astronauts can connect with through the headphone and speakers.
