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  • 1. (2023高二上·北京期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Did you know that you have been involved in the largest research study in the United States but you never agreed to join in it? That's because since 1996 you—and basically everyone you know—have been eating genetically modified (GM, 转基因) foods.

    GM foods are made by forcing a piece of DNA from a totally different species into the DNA of a plant or animal. This method creates a whole new species of plant that would have never existed in nature. Most soybeans, corn and cotton are genetically modified. Products such as oil and sugar are created from these crops and added to processed foods. This explains why nearly 80 percent of processed and most fast foods contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

    The question is, are GMOs safe for us and the environment? Actually, the answers are not clear. There are no long-term studies showing that GMOs are safe for humans and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not do its own safety testing of GMOS. Instead, the biotech companies that are trying to make money do their own safety testing, which the FDA only reviews. However, there are animal studies with negative findings, including damage in some body parts and immune system changes. It is clear we need more research in this area.

    The environment is another problem. What are the results when a genetically modified plant crossbreeds with other plants? Do we really want to change the face of plant life with unknown results for the benefit of a few large companies?

    The bottom line is that we have a product in our food supply with unknown health and environmental problems. At the very least, we should have these foods labeled (贴标签). However, try as we might, we cannot make that happen in the U.S. Even though 9 out of 10 people want them labeled, the biotech companies and food producers do not. If their products are beneficial and safe, why not label them? Why not be proud of your products? Over 60 countries such as China label GMOs and some countries ban them. Why can't we have transparency in our food supply?

    Washington's Initiative 522, a bill suggesting labeling products with GMOs, will help us get the transparency we desire. But companies such as Monsanto, Dupont Pioneer will pay millions to create misleading and incorrect ads insisting that labeling will cost money, hurt farmers, and isn't necessary because GMOs are safe. The biggest fear of these companies is that once GMOs are labeled, we won't want to eat them anymore.

    I don't know about you, but I think if Washington's Initiative 522 passes and genetically modified foods are labeled, it might change the face of American agriculture forever.

    1. (1) What do we know about GM foods from Para.1 and 2?
      A . They are the source of most fast foods. B . They are consumed by almost everyone in the world. C . They come from the longest research study in the USA. D . They are produced by changing the DNA of a plant or animal.
    2. (2) What is the author's attitude towards the safety of GMOs?
      A . Doubtful. B . Objective C . Positive D . Uninterested
    3. (3) In Para.5, the underlined words "have transparency in" probably mean ______.
      A . build up B . depend on C . cut off D . know about
    4. (4) Why does the author write this passage?
      A . To call for more research on GM foods. B . To persuade companies to label GM foods. C . To gain support for Washington's Initiative 522. D . To demand FDA to develop a food testing system.
