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  • 1. (2023九上·松原期末) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    When I was in Chengdu, I saw teahouse everywhere on the streets. There is a saying: China has the best teahouses in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouses in China.

    The service in the teahouses is really friendly. When you go into a teahouse, the waiter or waitresses greet you with smiles on their faces and with teapots and cups in their hands. After you sit down, they set the cups on the table and pour the tea into the cups.

    People who go to teahouses are not really thirsty. They pay 20 yuan to go to a teahouse and will sit there all day long to talk with each other. These days, more and more people go to teahouses for business talks. Some teahouses also have performance, such as story telling and Sichuan Opera.

    1. (1) According to the passage, Chengdu has ________ in the world.
      A . the best tea B . the best teahouses C . the worst D . the cheapest teahouses
    2. (2) What does the writer think of the service in the teahouses?
      A . Friendly. B . Just so-so. C . Terrible. D . Not so bad.
    3. (3) The underlined word "greet" in Paragraph 2 means __________ in Chinese.
      A . 恭喜 B . 照看 C . 招呼 D . 奉承
    4. (4) From the passage, we can learn that__________·
      A . every teahouse has performances B . there are many teahouses in Chengdu C . only the waitress makes tea in teahouses D . young people don't like going to teahouses
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . Teahouses in China B . Service in Teahouses C . Performance in Teahouses D . Teahouses in Chengdu
