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  • 1. (2023八上·长顺期末) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A 、B 、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Constanza Ceruti is a mountain archaeologist(考古学家). She mainly works on the study of archaeology on high mountains. So far, she has1more than 100 mountains over 5, 029 meters high.

    In 1999, Ceruti and her team climbed Llullaillaco. It was a2climb with blowing snow and strong winds. When the climbers3reached the top, they found some valuable(宝贵的) things.

    "This was not just an archaeologieal find, "says Ceruti, "This was like meeting someone from the4. "

    Ceruti is always5in ancient civilizations(古代文明). Her dream is to live and work near the mountains. She began to work hard to reach her goal even when she was in school. However, 6was her biggest problem. As a result, she had to7more time on it.

    Now, Ceruti uses math all the time. "How many meters will we climb? How long will it take? What time do we start?" She knows that careful planning is the8to success.

    The trip to the top of Mount Llullaillaco was long and hard. 9it did not stop Ceruti from climbing.

    " Just think of the Incas who climbed these mountains hundreds of years ago, " she says, " The experience is similar. "

    With preparations and resolutions, Ceruti shows one thing: no mountain is10difficult to reach!

    A . flied B . climbed C . walked
    A . hard B . easy C . boring
    A . normally B . quietly C . finally
    A . past B . now C . future
    A . interest B . interested C . interesting
    A . history B . archaeology C . math
    A . take B . spend C . cost
    A . key B . way C . result
    A . So B . But C . And
    A . lead B . too C . prefer
