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  • 1. (2021六下·深圳竞赛) 阅读理解

    After the Lantern Festival, the following joyous celebration in China's traditional festival calendar is the Huazhao Festival, a traditional flower festival.

    With a history of over 2, 000 years, the Huazhao Festival is held in celebration of the flower goddess' birthday. According to ancient beliefs,the flower goddess controlled the reproduction of mankind. Since the climate varies in different parts of China, people hold celebrations on the second, 12th, or 15th day of February in the Chinese lunar calendar. Here is a list of customs for you to spend the Huazhao Festival.

    Having a spring outing

    Spring outings during the Huazhao Festival were popular in ancient China. Since the festival is in early spring, it is exactly the time to have an outing to enjoy springtime's beautiful scenery.

    Planting flowers and


    At the Huazhao Festival, people in different places in China planted flowers and vegetables. It was believed that flowers and vegetables planted on that day would survive easily.

    Picking wild vegetables

    Around the festival, wild vegetables like shepherd's purse(荠菜) are not only fresh but also healthy. Wild vegetables in early spring were believed to be good for keeping healthy and help to stay away from illness.

    Going to fairs

    At the Huazhao Festival, crowded fairs were often seen everywhere because people went out on that day. The flower fair was the most popular. Apart from making deals on goods, there were a series of activities for people to have fun, such as dancing, playing music, and playing games.

    1. (1) What cannot people do to celebrate the Huazhao Festival?
      A . Have an outing. B . Plant wild vegetables. C . Plant flowers. D . Go to fairs for fun. E . None of the above.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word varies mean in paragraph 2?
      A . Starts. B . Prefers. C . Changes. D . Disappears. E . None of the above.
    3. (3) Which of the following activities can you see in fairs?

      ①Buying and selling


      ③ Playing music

      ④Playing games

      ⑤Finding good jobs

      A . ①②③④. B . ②③④⑤ C . ①③④⑤. D . ①②④⑤. E . None of the above.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The Huazhao Festival has a history of nearly 2, 000 years. B . People often have a spring outing to enjoy delicious food. C . It's easier to live for vegetables planted at the Huazhao Festival. D . Few people go the fairs because flowers are everywhere in spring. E . None of the above.
    5. (5) In which part of a magazine can you most probably find the passage?
      A . Sports & Stars. B . Health & Medicine. C . Travel & Fashion. D . Tradition & Custom. E . None of the above.
