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  • 1. (2023高二上·舟山期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Making Your Memories Last

    "My father wrote me a lovely letter before he died. It is the most cherished thing I own. "Have you ever heard someone say so?

    As you all know, your houses, cars, jewels or even money are your financial properties, which are relatively easy to pass along because they are in a physical form. But don't let your possessions become the only representations of your life. Your thoughts and life journey are equally valuable. .

    Studies have shown that kids who know about their family's past are more empathetic, have better coping skills and higher self-esteem. So how can you turn those feelings, thoughts, and insights into something that can be passed on? These tips can help get you started.

    Create a catalogue

    Before you begin, check what you've got. If you want to pass along family stories or wisdom, list everything available to you, such as photos and letters from your parents.  You could, for example, interview your parents about their lives or write an article about your academic progress.

    Make a plan

    Once you know what you've got and what you need, make a list that details how you're going to produce what you're missing and how to record it. You don't want the book of your life stories lost in an attic!

    You can't possibly get everything done at once. By taking active steps and starting with the easiest-to-create projects, you can bring memories to life. For example, you can write a short article about your childhood or film a two-minute video about your wedding day. When you see the results of these smaller projects, you may well be inspired to create more.

    A. Take simple steps

    B. Get more specific

    C. And it's also significant to consider how to keep it.

    D. Then figure out what you still need to add to your collection.

    E. For older adults, passing on their life stories helps decrease depression.

    F. They become the foundation on which family members build their lives.

    G. But they can always get a head start equipped with those precious memories.
