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  • 1. (2023高二下·重庆开学考) 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    When the night fell, James,a middle school student in London, dragged his tired body home. In order tosave money to buy himself a new bike, he had been working at a restaurant forover a month during the summer vacation. He had already earned some money. Withone more week, he would have his dream bike.

    Entering the room, Jamesfound his younger brother Adam sitting on the edge of his bed with an uneasyexpression on his face. James stared at Adam confusedly.

    "Sorry. I didsomething wrong, " Adam said, on the verge of tears.

    "What's the matterwith you?" James asked.

    "This afternoon I wentto play football on the road outside the house and accidentally hit ourneighbor Mr. Black's car. I was so scared and I hurried home in panic withouttelling him, " Adam said, full of guilt.

    "Is the car seriouslydamaged?" James couldn't wait to continue asking.

    "The ball hit the carback and the tail light got broken" Adam said in a low voice.

    "It's truly your fault.It's really dangerous to play football on the road. What's worse you shouldn'thave come back without telling Mr. Black about it. You are such a naughty boy," James raised his voice. Hearing this, Adam lowered his head and bit hislips hard. James added, "Anyway, it's never too late to mend. I'11 takeyou to his house tomorrow to apologize. Now it's time to sleep. "

    When Adam went bed, Jamescouldn't go to sleep himself. Father always told him to be honest, to be a boyadmired by the people and to be an example of his brother. He was sorry for hisbrother's behavior. He shouldn't have blamed his brother after he did somethingwrong. But he could understand him. Anyway, Adam was only a boy of seven andwhat had happened really scared him. But as his elder brother, he should payfor it though this might delay his plan of having the bike. "Nothingserious. At worst, I can take more summer jobs, " he said to himself.




    James got up early the next morning.

    Mr. Black was a little surprised to see the brothers.
