Today is January 16th. It's Paul's 10th birthday. He is at home with his parents. In the morning, he has some noodles for breakfast. He says thank you to his mother. After that, he takes 50 dollars and goes to mall. Why does he go to the mall? Does he buy things for his birthday? No! He wants to buy some things for his family. First, he sees a brown sweater. His mother needs a sweater. So he buys the sweater for her. It's sixteen dollars. Then he see a black watch. His father's watch is too old, so his father really needs a new one. How much is it? It's twenty dollars. He buys the watch for his father. After that, he sees a cool model plane. He likes it very much, but it's twelve dollars. He buys a radio for his sister. It's eight dollars. At twelve, he goes home. He takes all the things to his family. They are all surprised.
"Thank you, Paul. It's your birthday, why don't you buy some presents for yourself?" says his mother.
"I don't need presents. I have all of you. You are my presents."