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  • 1. 根据对话内容,选择适当的选项补全对话。(有两项是多余的)

    W: Hi, Bob. What did you do last weekend?

    M: Hi. Amy. It drew the world's attention on March 20th, 2021. Chinese archaeologists (考古学家) announced that they had found more than 500 cultural relics (文物) in six pits (坑), which go back over 3200 years. The relics include bronze-ware (青铜制品), gold and bronze masks (面具) and ivory (铁).


    M: Covering 12 square kilometers, Sanxingdui, which was first discovered accidentally (偶然地) by local farmers in 1929, is located in Guanghan, about 60 kilometers from Chengdu. It's believed to be the symbol of the ancient Shu Kingdom. The kingdom was a center of civilization (文明) along the Yangtze River.

    W: I think the new discoveries will help to better understand many unexplained findings of Sanxingdui culture.

    M: . The new discoveries are similar to those found in 1986, as they also included bronze masks and metal trees.


    M: For sacrifice (祭祀). They also raise an important question about the beginning of Chinese civilization. The ancient Shu civilition of Sanxingdui is regarded to be one of the earliest examples of Chinese civilization.


    M: Yes. These new discoveries Sanxingdui had a close connection with Liangzhu Culture in Zhejiang province which has a history of 4, 300 years to 300 years.

    W: That's very long. There are still many unknown areas in the ancient Chinese history and we have a long way to know our colorful culture.

    A. What were they used for?

    B. Yes, it's good to know ancient China.

    C. I went to Sanxingdui.

    D. What can you learn from the text?

    E. Wow, so amazing! Anything more about it?

    F. Is it one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization?

    G. The Sanxingdui Ruins (遗址) were discovered in 1929 by a farmer digging in his field.
