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  • 1. 选词填空

    path; pedal; plastic; packaging; disposable; resident;

    therefore; attitude; diagram; take part in

    1. (1) This book has showing the parts of a car engine.
    2. (2) The use of chopsticks has been debated for years.
    3. (3) I couldn't reach the on her bike.
    4. (4) Local have united to fight against the decision.
    5. (5) He was busy; , he couldn't come.
    6. (6) The was completely covered with fallen leaves.
    7. (7) Many items in daily use are made out of .
    8. (8) Too much increases the cost of the food we buy.
    9. (9) As you get older, your towards death changes.
    10. (10) Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere them.
