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  • 1. 阅读理解

    How green are you? Do you know how to be green?

    We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it is harmful to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. Here are some ideas for you.


    Reduce means "use less". Don't waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary—or maybe the old one is still useful.


    Reuse means "use again". When we buy things, make sure that they can last a long time. When something is broken, we should repair it instead of throwing it away and buying a new one. Don't use a paper cup or a paper bag. It's better to use a china (瓷) cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.


    Recycle means "change things into something else". Though it takes energy to change something into something else, it's better than throwing things away or burning them.

    So please remember these words: reduce, reuse and recycle.

    1. (1) What is the passage about?
      A . How to produce things. B . How to burn things. C . How to be green. D . How to help others.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Always throw away old things. B . Don't waste things. C . Always buy new things. D . Never buy new things.
    3. (3) It is better to use a china cup and a lunch box because we can    them.
      A . reuse B . reduce C . repair D . recycle
    4. (4) The passage may come from a    .
      A . menu B . dictionary C . storybook D . magazine
