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  • 1. (2023高二下·苍南月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    When things around the house stop working, people probably just throw them away. There are many 1 for this trend. In some areas, it's difficult to find people who can make repairs, and 2 things can be expensive. Also, some small appliances are so cheap that it's easier to 3 buy a new one.

    Martine Postma decided there must be a better way. Her 4 was Repair Cafés: places where people can take damaged or torn items. There they will find tools, 5 and volunteer experts to help with repairs.

    Postma's first Repair Café opened in 2009 and was a huge 6. News of the café spread, and people began asking how they could 7 their own. In 2011, Postma established the Repair Café Foundation. This 8 organization provides guidance to those hoping to begin their own neighborhood repair group. Today, there are roughly 2,000 Repair cafés around the world. Everything is free, but donations are greatly 9.

    The cafés not only provide help with repairs, they also 10 community ties. Postma has often heard visitors say, "This is the kind of world I want to 11!" In addition, valuable 12 is passed along and preserved.

    In an interview, Postma described how 13 it is watching people who really want to help one another. Postma summed up the 14 of Repair Cafés best in the following words: "Everyone is a/an 15 and a receiver."

    A . benefits B . chances C . reasons D . goals
    A . throwing B . buying C . making D . fixing
    A . just B . even C . ever D . seldom
    A . achievement B . solution C . curiosity D . result
    A . resources B . money C . chances D . rooms
    A . luck B . fame C . success D . attempt
    A . buy B . start C . make D . find
    A . nonprofit B . business C . culture D . chain
    A . responded B . suggested C . appreciated D . refused
    A . test B . strengthen C . build D . earn
    A . praise B . pass by C . live in D . discover
    A . knowledge B . lesson C . habit D . instruction
    A . embarrassing B . tiring C . surprising D . exciting
    A . custom B . mission C . journey D . experience
    A . host B . owner C . organizer D . giver
