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  • 1. (2023高三下·吉林月考) 阅读理解

    Technology is developing by leaps and bounds. A small device such as a smartphone now has more processing power than rockets to the Moon once had. New tech brings many advantages, making our lives easier and opening up new opportunities. One piece of kit that's been really taking off recently is the drone. This pilotless mini aircraft, originally developed for aerial (航空的) photography and warfare,is now bringing us benefits closer to home. In the last few years, tech companies such as Amazon, Alphabet and Uber have promised us delivery drones-bringing goods to our doorsteps in a matter of minutes. While progress in developing them has been slow, drones are becoming more and more involved in our life.

    Drones are helping to connect with and enhance the lives of people in remote locations. In the UK, the Royal Mail wants a fleet of 500 drones to help deliver the mail to faraway communities. Windracers, the company developing the drones, say theycan ny in fog and produce 30% fewer emissions than comparable piloted aircraft. And in Coventry in the UK, construction has started on an air center, which will act as a base for police and delivery drones. Urban-Air Port Limited is working with car-maker Hyundai on the mini-airport, known as a skyport.

    Drones can also play a part in improving the health of millions of people. For example, an incredible development project by the University of South Australia is for drones to eventually be able to survey populations for disease by reading the blood oxygen levels of humans from the air. They'll also be able to scan for other vital signs, like coughing and a high temperature.

    It seems that the sky is the limit for what drone technology can achieve. The only thing that sometimes keeps it from working is regulation. Writing for the BBC, Jessica Brown says: "If our skies are to become as crowded as our streets, airspace rules need updating to prevent accidents."

    1. (1) What does the underlined sentence indicate?
      A . A smartphone is more advanced than rockets. B . The rockets to the moon are very powerful. C . Technology is progressing very rapidly. D . Technology is widely used in daily life.
    2. (2) What do we know about drones according to the passage?
      A . They were initially developed for bringing goods. B . They've improved people's life quality in remote areas. C . They don't cause any pollution to the environment. D . They can diagnose and treat some diseases from the air.
    3. (3) What does Jessica Brown mean?
      A . The development of drones is quite promising. B . It's a pity that drones are limited to the sky. C . Drones will be likely to cause some accidents. D . Some latest laws are needed to regulate drones.
    4. (4) Which is the most suitable title for the passage?
      A . Drones Are Delivering Benefits Closer to Home B . Developing Drones Is Facing Many Challenges C . Drones Are Currently Booming in Every Field D . Companies Are Competing to Develop Drones
