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  • 1. (2022·南山模拟) 阅读理解

    Yi Yangqianxi, a singer, dancer and movie star from Hunan, becomes famous at a young age. As the youngest speaker in the show From Strength to Strength, A Decade Ahead (向上的力量·未来十年), Yi said, "In the coming decade, China will play an even more important role on the world stage, and we younger generation (一代) will be an important strength in its role. "

    Born in 2000, Yi showed his face in the show business (演艺界) at the age of 13. He was also lost sometimes. But as he grows up, he learns that the works he has created speak clearer than words. He finally finds his way to get on with the world.

    When Yi was a child, he took many interest classes. He lived in the suburbs of Beijing, so he had to spend almost four hours a day going to take these interest classes and back. To save time, Yi had meals and did his homework on the bus. Because of his childhood experience, he became more mature (成熟的) than other teenagers and more hard-working in his acting career. "He stayed at the shooting site (拍摄现场) almost every day," said Gong Jinguo, an actor of Nice View, "He took part in over 270 of the movie's 290 scenes (场). "

    Yi has become the first movie actor born in the 2000s earning an overall box office (票房) of over 10 billion yuan. He believes that nothing is impossible as long as you try your best. So hold on your dream and never give up.

    1. (1) How old is Yi Yangqianxi now?
      A . 19. B . 20. C . 21. D . 22.
    2. (2) What is the underlined word "suburbs" mean in the Paragraph 3?
      A . 城郊 B . 城区 C . 乡村 D . 城中心
    3. (3) What made Yi more mature and more hard-working?
      A . All his interest classes. B . His family background. C . His childhood experience. D . His school education.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Yi still doesn't know how to get on with the world. B . Yi took part in almost 290 movies in his acting career. C . Yi spent most of his free time on interest classes when he was young. D . Yi showed his face in the show business in 2015.
    5. (5) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . Yi Yangqianxi is a great dancer. B . The life stories about Yi Yangqianxi. C . Yi Yangqianxi finally find the ways to get on with the world. D . Yi Yangqianxi made success because he took many interest classes.
