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  • 1. (2023高三下·韶关月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There are a number of ways to help improve final exam test scores without staying up all night and cramming(临时死记硬背),for instance, taking advantage of the resources available and taking care of your body.

    Stay on top of your work. Completing all of your week by its due date will help you stay on top of the content, minimizing the time needed to prepare for finals. For instance, attending class is a guarantee not to fall behind in your work.

      Don't feel like you need to give equal study time to each course. Look back at your progress throughout the semester. If your grade is borderline, between a "C" and a "B",for example, or you're hoping to raise your grade, you'll want to put in a bit more effort.

    Find a study partner or a tutor. It is advisable to find a study partner or a tutor at the beginning of the semester as you can bounce around ideas and ask questions while studying. However, stay away from good friends when struggling with the material.

    Select your studying environment strategically. You need a quiet studying location free of distractions. Sometimes colleges open up conference rooms or other spaces to allow additional room for studying during the exam week.

    Maintain your health in the finals week. Finals can be a stressful time, so make sure you are taking care of your physical self. Exercise is an effective tool in helping your body reduce stress.

    A. Keep track of your progress.

    B. Figure out which courses to prioritize.

    C. But don't overdo it this week to avoid a muscle injury over finals.

    D. If the library, study area, or outdoors does not work for you, keep looking.

    E. Reviewing in the finals week is a lot easier if you've been keeping up all along.

    F. Plus, you will assess time needed for better academic performance prior to the finals.

    G. The best study partner is often someone you don't know well and less likely hang out with.
