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  • 1. (2023高一下·惠州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    The success of Blue Origin's space tourism flights has caused concerns among the public. Many say it is a rich person's game that is unnecessary when Earth badly needs help.

    For Jane Smith, co-founder of Space View, the industry is not preventing Earth from help, but helping its residents better understand their world.

    "Space exploration has played an important role in forming our understanding of our planet," Smith said in an interview. "The most downloaded image in history is Earthrise that was taken in 1968 by Apollo astronauts as they circled the moon. Taking the photo was not on their schedule of activities but they were so struck by the scene that they rushed to record it. That one photograph helped humanity see Earth as a planet in space, and inspired an environmental movement."

    Space View, founded in 2019, is a firm using a giant balloon to send humans into the stratosphere (平流层). It is designing a luxurious capsule (豪华太空舱) that fits six passengers, who can relax in seats or enjoy a snack while flying 20 miles above Earth.

    Smith explained that eventually, millions of people will have exciting space experience. Tickets for a ride through Space View currently run $125,000 a seat, but Smith said the "long-term vision is to bring the price down significantly". "A ticket price of, say, $30,000—$840,000 would make the space trip affordable to many millions of people," she added.

    When asked about the public comments, Smith answered, "When people visit space and experience our Earth from that fantastic point, they connect deeply with our planet and the singular human family that inhabits it. It broadens their perspective (视角) and they return with a deepened understanding of social and environmental causes."

    1. (1) What do the public think of Blue Origin's space tourism fights?
      A . Successful. B . Inspiring. C . Beneficial. D . Costly.
    2. (2) Why does Jane Smith mention the photo of Earthrise?
      A . To review the history of the photo. B . To express respects to Apollo astronauts. C . To remind people of the beauty of the space. D . To explain the significance of space exploration.
    3. (3) What do we know about Space View?
      A . It has made much money from space tourism. B . It aims to make space tourism popular. C . It plays a part in Blue Origin's flights. D . It has sent six passengers into space.
    4. (4) What would be the best title of the passage?
      A . Is Space Tourism a Rich Person's Game? B . Can Everyone Experience Space Tourism? C . Why Should the Public Know about Space? D . How Has Space Tourism Developed Rapidly?
