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  • 1. (2023·河南模拟) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

    Most polar bears could disappear by the end of the century because of global warming, scientists say. According to a study in Nature Climate Change, the number of most polar bears will1rapidly by 2080. There are 2 reasons. One is that the sea ice is melting. Polar bears catch seals (海豹) 3 on the ice. 4 ice, they have to stay on land. But there are no 5 food on land to support so many bears. The animals could die from hunger. The other reason is that mother bears may not be fat enough to6 milk for their babies, so some mother bears could stop7.

    Polar bears are 8land animals that eat meat on the planet. They help 9 other kinds of animals. Losing them would break the balance of their living place.

    The Arctic (北冰洋) is the 10 to about 25,000 polar bears. Arctic sea ice usually melts in spring and summer, and then grows in winter. But now, the 11 is taking longer to grow back. Scientists say that the Arctic is warming twice as 12 as the rest of the planet.

    The study also shows 13 it is possible to slow Arctic melting. Greenhouse gas could lead to14 change. In order to avoid creating greenhouse gas, the world should try to stop burning coal and riding in cars.

    Saving the bears is up to us. Holland, one of the writers of the study, says, "I believe there is hope, but humans need to act15 to make that hope come true." Let's take action to protect our earth and save polar bears.

    A . develop B . fall C . increase D . improve
    A . one B . two C . three D . four
    A . to play B . eating C . to eat D . be eaten
    A . Without B . Through C . Across D . Except
    A . good B . sweet C . delicious D . enough
    A . protect B . progress C . produce D . prepare
    A . eating food B . having babies C . sleeping D . playing
    A . the largest B . the loveliest C . the simplest D . the luckiest
    A . controlling B . control C . produce D . producing
    A . room B . family C . house D . home
    A . sea B . ice C . plant D . animal
    A . quick B . rapid C . slowly D . fast
    A . that B . when C . if D . whether
    A . food B . ice C . climate D . animal
    A . widely B . clearly C . quietly D . quickly
