Did you catch the CBS special on longevity (长寿) late last year? The story centered on a town in Sardinia, Italy that is celebrating its centenarians (百岁老人).
"Old age is common and celebrated in this town, where murals (pictures on the wall) show people who've reached at least 100, "says CBS News reporter, Seth Doane.
The town of Villagrande, with its beaches and beauty, is a popular attraction for tourists. But, says Doane, it also draws scientists and researchers, including Valter Longo who directs the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California.
Longo points to the percentage of those reaching 100 in the villages of Sardinia as being"very rare anywhere in the world. "Villagrande is just one centenarian-rich town in Sardinia. Italy has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, but Sardinia beats their record. Consider that there are 33. 6 people 100 or older for every 100, 000 Sardinian people.
Scientists note that genetics(遗传学) undoubtedly plays a role in the long lives of these islanders. No one is in a hurry in this slow-paced lifestyle. At the same time, an active, community-based lifestyle and a healthy diet(日常饮食) are very important. Daily walking is their exercise where everyone walks up and down the hillsides.
Most continue to grow their own vegetables even as they themselves grow into old age. The diet focuses on vegetables. A little protein —usually fish, as well as olive oil, local yogurt, cheese and traditional flatbread round out the diet. And a glass of red wine(红酒) enjoyed with others.
People help each other out, and seniors remain central to family life. "In town, community and family is important, especially for Marietta Monni, who lives alone at 100, " reports Doane. He joined her for lunch, made by her family who live upstairs.
"Nearby, at Giulia Pisanu's house, we asked this centenarian what she thought the secret to a long life mightbe. "Don't be envious, she replied. "Advice that may not be scientific, but like those celebrated on the walls here, it comes from the wisdom of age, " says Doane.