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    The first piece of the International Space Station (ISS) went into space in 1998. The ISS has worked for over 20 years. More than 200 astronauts from 19 countries have worked there and done research there. It is old now. Around the year 2031, it will fall to Earth and "sleep" forever.

    The place for it to "sleep" is Point Nemo (尼莫点). It is about halfway between New Zealand and Chile, in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is named after Captain Nemo from Jules Verne's novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. "Nemo" also means "no one" in Latin (拉丁语). It is the furthest place from land. The closest humans to Point Nemo are often astronauts in space. There aren't many animals either, because the water has poor nutrients (营养物). This makes it safe to drop old spacecraft (航天器) there.

    Since 1971, the United States, Russia, Japan and European countries have been using Point Nemo for dropping their old spacecraft. More than 263 pieces of space junk are there now. People call it the "space graveyard (墓地)".

    1. (1) How old will the ISS be when it goes to "sleep"?
      A . About 20 years old. B . About 29 years old. C . About 33 years old. D . About 43 years old.
    2. (2) The underlined word "it" refers to "_____" in the second paragraph.
      A . the ISS B . Pacific Ocean C . New Zealand D . Chile
    3. (3) The writer mentions that astronauts in space are the closest humans to Point Nemo to show _____.
      A . most people hate to visit Point Nemo B . Point Nemo is far from where humans live C . astronauts often travel to Point Nemo D . only a few animals can live near Point Nemo
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The ISS will return to space in 2031. B . The name "Nemo" comes from a famous movie. C . All the countries like to drop their old spacecraft at Point Nemo. D . Point Nemo has become a common graveyard for the old spacecraft.
    5. (5) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . The history of the ISS. B . The importance of the ISS. C . Some information about space junk. D . Some information about Point Nemo.
