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  • 1. (2023八下·诸暨期中) 阅读理解

    Last month, I took my son Tom to see his grandparents in the countryside. His grandpa took him to the yard to play. Tom was curious about everything.

    At lunch, Tom told me, "Dad, I saw a hen flying."

    "Impossible!" I said without thinking. "How can a hen fly?"

    "Dad the dog ran after the hen in the yard. The hen was tapped (被困) in a corner. When the hen saw no other way out, she suddenly flapped her wings and flew up to the roof (房顶). The hen escaped. Dad, I didn't know hens could fly. How can she fly?" my child asked.

    I thought for a while and said, "Maybe because of love. The hen loves her own life and that helps her fly!"

    Tom nodded (点头). He seemed to have understood.

    Last weekend, we visited Tom's grandparents again. This time I heard Tom shouting from the yard, "Dad! The dog is chasing the hen again! Come and see!"

    I ran out of the house. The hen was running after a group of chickens, followed closely by the dog. Then the hen suddenly stopped and turned around-she raised up wings and clucked at the dog.

    I ran over and got between the dog and the hen, shouting at the dog to drive it away.

    "Dad, why didn't the hen fly away? She knows she can't fight the dog." Tom asked.

    I thought for a while and said, "Maybe because of love. She loves her babies more than anything in the world."

    Tom thought for a long time and nodded. He seemed to have understood.

    1. (1) How many times did the dog run after the hen in the passage?
      A . Once. B . Twice. C . Three times. D . Four times.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "chasing" mean?
      A . 抓住 B . 跑开 C . 追赶 D . 追求
    3. (3) Why did the hen stop running and stand in front of the dog the second time?
      A . Because she was trying to protect her children. B . Because she knew the dog couldn't fight her. C . Because she knew she could fly up to the roof. D . Because she knew how to ask people for help.
    4. (4) What lesson does the writer try to teach his son?
      A . Don't run away from your problems. B . Nothing can beat you if you tell yourself to be brave. C . You should love yourself more than anyone else. D . Parents love their kids more than anything.
