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  • 1. (2023高一下·西安期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Standing on the top of Mount Tai, I watched the sun rising through the cloud and taking its place in the sky. I haven't seen many1, but I can feel that seeing one from the top of Mount Tai must be one of the best ways to 2 the beauty of nature.

    When I left for China, the 3 of climbing Mount Tai had not even 4 me. I was going to China to 5its language, history and culture and gain a better understanding of international agricultural trade between my country and China.

    Now I have stayed in China for a few weeks. In Beijing, my group have 6 friendship with many Chinese students. Through our broken Chinese and their 7 English, we are still able to teach each other about our cultures. We 8 that we are all just students working towards the same 9 of having careers, families and lives and trying to make the world better. Cultural differences seem 10 —even the language almost completely differs from our own. But their daily lives are similar to our own routines (常规). 11 , people worry about the same things we do here. They are 12 food safety, pay close attention to the government and feel the effects of the economic markets.

    This 13 makes me realize how many cultures my country has in common with other countries around the world. More importantly, it makes me 14 for travel, and I am looking forward to having more 15 to engage in cross-cultural communication and learning.

    A . clouds B . sunrises C . mountains D . tops
    A . describe B . select C . imagine D . experience
    A . thought B . aim C . mission D . origin
    A . belonged to B . occurred to C . fallen to D . turned to
    A . discover B . study C . spread D . update
    A . developed B . sought C . kept D . showed
    A . spoken B . brief C . poor D . unique
    A . assume B . claim C . realize D . expect
    A . chance B . reason C . function D . goal
    A . amazing B . striking C . powerful D . terrible
    A . Besides B . Otherwise C . However D . Anyhow
    A . addicted to B . confused about C . used to D . concerned about
    A . adventure B . course C . climbing D . journey
    A . eager B . energetic C . amazed D . tired
    A . effect B . measures C . opportunities D . applications
