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    Social phobia (社交恐惧症) seems to have been common these days. Many young people describe themselves as having "social phobia". These people prefer not to go out much, and it's hard for them to make friends.

    In fact, this is a reaction (反应) to certain situations. US researcher Ty Tashiro wrote a book that explains that some people don't "read" social situations correctly, so they end up feeling uncomfortable. For example, they start to act embarrassedly (尴尬地). Because of this, they gradually prefer to stay in instead of going out to meet new people.

    And some people may have social anxiety disorder (社交焦虑症) and it is much more serious. People with social anxiety disorder want to go out and communicate with people, but they are so afraid of doing it that they cannot leave their homes. Their brains simply won't allow them to communicate with others in a normal way.

    Luckily, social anxiety disorder can be treated. Some people simply use self-help books to help them get more control over their minds. Those who have more serious cases of social anxiety disorder can take medicine.
    1. What do people with social phobia prefer to do? Is it easy for them to make new friends?
    2. Why they start to act embarrassedly according to Ty Tashiro?
    3. Is social anxiety disorder much more serious than social phobia? Why or why not?
    4. What can people do to treat the social anxiety disorder?
