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  • 1. (2023高二下·杭州期中) 完形填空

    A woman called Courtney has recently caught the attention of the Internet. She shared the1of how she became homeless. Courtney explained how disaster struck when she2 her job in the exact same week that her husband did too. The couple at first moved in Courtney's sister's but, 3, the living situation didn't work out.

    The pair ended up living on the 4. They slept in parks while completing the necessary process for shelter accommodation. After finally getting5, the couple faced further challenges. It was difficult to find work that6 the shelter's requirements.

    Since her first video, Courtney has gathered a following of almost 70, 000 people on the Internet where she7 the necessities of being a homeless person. Her videos were recently spotted by Chelsey, a8 woman who has given a lovely gift.

    Chelsey realized she could be of more 9. Chelsey said, "I started following her story and thought it 10 to help. I knew people tend to send money or supplies, but I wanted to send her an opportunity. Cash is 11, but I knew if I sent her a laptop, she could find virtual job opportunities on the Internet while searching for a 12 job. "

    Just a few weeks after sending Courtney the laptop, Chelsey realized she was in need of some assistance with her project. She 13 to pay Courtney to work for her. Courtney is now helping Chelsey write blog posts about the stories about her project.

    Chelsey continued, "We should be14 in an unkind world, and give people opportunities, just because that you're 15 doesn't mean you're not human."

    A . story B . success C . feelings D . thoughts
    A . got B . lost C . quit D . did
    A . gradually B . surprisingly C . unfortunately D . immediately
    A . streets B . trains C . bridges D . roofs
    A . punished B . approved C . injured D . bored
    A . made B . asked C . raised D . met
    A . shares B . writes C . remembers D . collects
    A . middle-aged B . well-behaved C . good-looking D . warm-hearted
    A . awareness B . confidence C . value D . assistance
    A . simple B . peaceful C . necessary D . difficult
    A . common B . great C . rare D . dirty
    A . full-time B . labour-saving C . life-long D . past-time
    A . hesitated B . pretended C . decided D . hoped
    A . content B . happy C . kind D . calm
    A . quiet B . homeless C . old D . different
