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  • 1. 完形填空

    An old man had a bird and he liked it very much. One day the bird flew away. The old man became very 1. At last, he found the bird and talked a lot at its home. When it was time for the old man to leave, the bird gave him a basket as a2.

    His wife was 3 because he came home late. But when she opened the basket, she couldn't close her mouth—a basket of 4. The old woman was greedy(贪婪的) and wanted another basket of gold, so she went to the bird's home, too. 5 the old man, she also talked to the bird when she was at the bird's home. "Hello, my bird. How are you? I 6 you, " said the old woman. But the bird said 7. Then she asked for a gift. "All right, " answered the bird. "There are two baskets. One is light and 8 is heavy. You can take one and9 it when you get home!"

    The old woman 10, "I'll take the heavy one." When she got home and opened the basket, there was nothing but stones.

    A . excited B . silly C . smart D . sad
    A . friend B . gift C . tool D . sign
    A . angry B . happy C . careful D . weak
    A . silk B . stones C . gold D . eggs
    A . Unlike B . Like C . From D . With
    A . beat B . dislike C . help D . miss
    A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything
    A . another B . other C . others D . the other
    A . open B . hide C . close D . sell
    A . cheated B . understood C . laughed D . explained
