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  • 1. (2023高一下·承德月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Recently I got a job. It was exactly what I needed. The only challenge was that child care was really expensive in the UK, So I signed up with a nursery for my baby and paid over £1,300 for just one month. I signed all the necessary documents, among which stated that they had a no refund(退款)policy, so in case you missed some days, the money was not refunded regardless of the reason.

    My baby was there for three days and got ill. I was forced to leave work to care for him. I was so worried as I had just started the job, but I had to take a few days off. By Friday he was so sick that he couldn't eat, drink or walk,and I was terribly anxious. I had tests done only to find out that he had tested positive for COVID-19. We then had to self-isolate(自我隔离)for ten days. As the ten days were coming to an end, I got the virus from him and I tested positive, just as his repeated test results came back negative. So I had to self-isolate with him again for another ten days.

    As 20 days had passed, the month was over and it was in December. The rest of the year was holidays and the nursery was not open during the holidays.

    Just like that, I had lost £1,300 in three days and I was at home, not working. It meant that I didn't earn anything either. I was so annoyed at first as it did not seem fair at all, given that my baby had gotten COVID-19 at the nursery. I called Ms Clark, who runs the nursery, and she told me they have a no refund policy which I had signed. I felt so helpless at that moment.

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    My friend advised me to talk with Ms Clark in person.

    Knowing my situation, Ms Clark offered me a job in the nursery.
