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  • 1. (2022五下·宝安期末) 阅读理解。

    Every year from July to October, lots and lots of wild animals change homes in Africa. They make their way from south to north. They are looking for two things - food and water. The animals travel about 3, 000 km. That's about the same way from Beijing to Sanya in Hainan.

    Zebras, wildebeests(角马)and gazelles(瞪羚)make a great team.

    1. (1) _________ eat short and soft grass.
      A . Gazelles B . Wildebeests C . Zebras
    2. (2) Animals change home for _________.
      A . water B . food C . both A and B
    3. (3) Gazelles are the ____________ in the great team.
      A . front B . middle C . last
    4. (4) The animals" way of changing home is from _________ to _________ in Africa.
      A . north…south B . south…north C . Beijing…Sanya
    5. (5) Which one is NOT true?
      A . The animals change home from June to October every year. B . It's about 3, 000 km from Sanya to Beijing. C . Zebras eat long and hard grass because they have strong stomachs.
