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  • 1. (2022五下·盐田期末) 根据绘本内容,判断正误。

    Rubber Head Pencil

    1 Lipman is a very poor American. He loves drawing very much.

    He draws from morning to evening every day.

    2 All his rubbers are small but he has no money to buy new ones. He has to find his rubber for a long time. Finally he finds it under a piece of paper.

    3 All his pencils are short but he has no money to buy new ones. He has to find his pencil again and again. Finally he finds it behind his chair.

    4 Lipman spends a lot of time looking for his tiny pencil and tiny rubber every day. He is unhappy.

    5 Then he has a good idea. He tries to put the rubber and pencil together, so they will not easily be lost.

    6 He stops drawing and begin to fix the rubber to the pencil firmly.

    7 He tries many different ways but he fails again and again.

    8 Finally he comes up with a good idea. He uses a piece of iron sheet to fix them. The rubber does not get loose any more.

    9 Rubber Head Pencils become popular around the world and Lipman has a lot of money!

    1. (1) Lipman comes from the UK.
    2. (2) Lipman is very poor.
    3. (3) It is easy for Lipman to find his rubber and pencil because they're new.
    4. (4) The word "tiny" in picture 4 means "very small".
    5. (5) Lipman is both an artist and an inventor.
