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  • 1. (2022八下·越秀期末) 任务型阅读

    Hello, I am Hanna from France. I have been studying in Dalian Minzu University for four years. Among all the things I learned here, the great spirits of the young Chinese impressed me the most.

    Before I came to China, I learned that Chinese people are hard-working, which was proved by my best friend Wang Lulu, a 25-year-old Chinese girl. Whether taking a bus, walking or doing housework, she uses every minute to listen to foreign news and takes every chance to talk with foreigners. Now she is good at English.

    I saw many young Chinese volunteers send food and help organize people to take the nucleic acid test. Most often, they had to work for over 12 hours a day, but they just faced the difficulties with warm hearts!

    The last thing I want to mention is the great respect that young Chinese have shown to their traditional culture. I still remember when attending the traditional Chinese handcraft class, all my Chinese classmates showed great interest in their traditional art and their teacher, a famous traditional Chinese artist.

    I am lucky to have witnessed many great moments in China, such as the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the return of Shenzhou XIII manned spacecraft and more. I learned from the news report that many of these great projects are undertaken by young Chinese scientists, and the average age of young engineers is under 30. The young generation is surely making China better and stronger in the future.

    A. She keeps improving her language skills in her busy life.

    B. I love the pleasant living environment and learn a lot about China.

    C. So, I would like to say that China's success is not because of chance.

    D. Taking pleasure for helping others is what I saw in the battle against the pandemic(疫情).

    E. In addition, it is very common to see college students wear traditional Chinese clothes
