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  • 1. (2022八下·宁海期末) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    You never know how far a kind act can go. When Gloria and Jeff began communicating, they had no idea how much it would encourage people to show their kindness to 1.

    89-year-old Gloria was lying in hospital. She couldn't leave her sickroom. So she 2 a lot of time looking outside her window to watch construction (建筑)workers working on the new building. To her 3, one of the workers noticed her and waved to her. She couldn't help waving back at this kind 4. This was only the 5 of a special story between the two. 

    Jeff knew Gloria was ill. So he decided to 6 a kind message to her. He wrote "Get Well" on one of the beams (柱子)facing her   7.

    "I just thought that was nice," Gloria said, "so I should do something to 8 that."

    When Gloria saw the 9 working high above the ground one cold, windy day, she grew concerned. She wrote "10" on a piece of paper and placed it on the window for the workers to see. "When I saw it on the window, I 11 around and said to my coworkers,Did you see that?'" Jeff said.

    One of the nurses took photos about that and 12 them on Weibo. The small act of kindness moved many people,  13 one woman who sent free pizza to the workers.

    "I just try to show my care and 14 expect so much." Jeff said,"If 15 is willing to do things like that, the world will be a better place."

    A . strangers B . families C . friends D . classmates
    A . took B . spent C . cost D . paid
    A . worry B . surprise C . anger D . silence
    A . smile B . communication C . change D . act
    A . result B . middle C . end D . beginning
    A . refuse B . hand C . send D . have
    A . bed B . wall C . door D . window
    A . return B . finish C . leave D . show
    A . doctors B . nurses C . workers D . strangers
    A . Stand Up B . Stay Safe C . Sit Down D . Hurry Up
    A . sat B . turned C . walked D . went
    A . shared B . found C . copied D . saw
    A . without B . except C . but D . including
    A . already B . ever C . never D . yet
    A . nobody B . somebody C . everyone D . anyone
