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  • 1. (2022八下·宁海期末) 你们班的留学生同学Dave因身体不适需要发信息与班主任老师请假。请根据文本语境,在给定框的选项A-E (有一项多余),选出适当选项。

    A.I'm sorry to ask for two days' leave.

    B.What's the matter?

    C.Can I come to school tomorrow?

    D.Did you take your temperature?

    E.Hope you get better soon.

    Dave: Hi, Ms.Green.I'm not feeling well today.

    Ms.Green: Oh, that's not good.

    Dave: I've got a headache.I feel very hot.


    Dave: Yes, I did. It's 38.8℃.

    Ms.Green: How long have you been like this?

    Dave: Since last night. I've decided to the doctor today.

    Ms.Green: Yeah, you don't need to come to school until you feel better.

    Dave: Ok, I see.

    Ms.Green: It's ok.

    Dave: Thanks, Ms. Green. Bye.

    The above passage could be written into the section of in an English magazine.
    A. School Daily
    B. Movie Report
    C. City News
    D. English Songs
