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  • 1. (2022高二下·长春月考)  阅读理解 

     At Southmead Hospital in Bristol, researchers are experimenting with robots programmed to interact with patients for simple forms of physiotherapy (物理治疗). Another possible use might be basic bedside checks. Real applications are still some way off, but hospital leaders think this could help ease workforce pressure.  

     Everyone understands that people want more out of healthcare as they live longer. Hospitals have not enough workforce to meet those demands, and of course, robotics and technology can be taught to repeat unskilled tasks.  

     The hospital is working with Bristol Robotics Laboratory, looking at future care of patients in their own homes. This device can be controlled remotely to help with basic household tasks. Technology can clearly help those who need assistance at home, but might people feel they lose out from lack of human contact? 

    Professor Praminda Caleb-Solly at Bristol Robotics Laboratory said, "In no way are we looking to replace people, because nurses and doctors always think of what other people need and give them emotional support. The idea here is to improve the quality of care that can be provided. However, there are big questions over what that will mean for patients' experiences and the impact on staff. "

    And away from patients, there's automation. Robots deliver most supplies around the hospital, including supplies to operating theatres and meals for the wards. They even have their own lifts. Because they do the heavy physical work, staff injuries have been reduced. Robot technology is also at work in the hospital drugstore. Orders for medicines are processed rapidly and made ready for clinical (临床的) teams. Pharmacists (药剂师) say it improves patient safety by eliminating (消除) human error.

    Hugh Pym, BBC health editor, says that "robotic devices are thought to offer, potentially, major long-term benefits to hospitals. There's great potential there. " They won't necessarily offer cups of tea or even look like this. But the fact that hospital leaders are working with engineers on robotics shows there is a new vision for post-pandemic health and care.

    1. (1) What do we know about the robots programmed at Southmead Hospital? 
      A . They will be put to use in the near future. B . They could control patients' home at a distance. C . They can help patients to communicate with doctors. D . They may make up for the lack of staff in the hospital.
    2. (2) What does Professor Praminda Caleb-Solly imply? 
      A . Robots will replace doctors in medical treatment. B . Robots are favored by patients and medical staff. C . Robots are less considerate than human medical staff. D . Robots can be emotional with the help of technology.
    3. (3) What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 5? 
      A . The theory behind the robotic technology. B . The advantages of using robots in hospitals. C . The cooperation between robots and doctors. D . The effect of automation on medical treatment.
    4. (4) What is Hugh Pym's attitude towards the robotic devices?
      A . Positive. B . Negative. C . Neutral. D . Unclear.
