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  • 1. (2023高一下·定海月考)  阅读理解 

    Travelers are always looking for inspiration to guide their trips. Coming up with a list of places to visit can be challenging when you're staring at a globe. What are the top tourist attractions in the world? Here comes our list.

     The Acropolis, Athens 

    Follow in the footsteps of ancients as you walk up the same steps that have been walked on since 438 BC. Views out over the city are incredible as you walk between the well-restored old buildings. Near the end of the day, you'll want to stay and watch the sunset from the stairs near the entrance. This is a ritual (仪式) in Athens.

     The Taj Mahal, India 

    India is-filled with incredible cities and fabulous places to visit, but the 17th-century Taj Mahal is the one place that says you've been to India. This mausoleum (陵墓),commissioned by the Shah Jahan for his wife, is known internationally as a symbol of love. This fantastic structure, made with precious stones, has to be visited to be fully appreciated.

     Petra, Jordan 

     You may have an Indiana Jones feeling as you walk through a 1. 2-kilometer-long narrow crack in the sandstone hills and emerge, into a hidden city. First built over 2,000 years ago and lost to the outside world for 600 years, the city was only discovered in 1812. Impressive buildings are carved directly into the red rock walls and are wonderfully preserved, just begging to be explored and photographed.  

    Grand Canyon, USA 

     The greatest natural attraction in the United States, the Grand Canyon is a key sight for all travelers planning their lifetime of adventures. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, looking out over the carved landscape, will awaken your senses. Several hikes in the canyon and along the edge offer unique perspectives. For even more adventure plan a rafting trip down the Colorado River through the canyon.  

    1. (1) What do the Acropolis and Petra have in common? 
      A . Fantastic sunset. B . Red rock walls. C . Exciting rafting trip. D . Ancient buildings.
    2. (2) Which place best suits people who want an adventurous trip? 
      A . Petra, Jordan. B . Grand Canyon, USA C . The Taj Mahal, India. D . The Acropolis, Athens.
    3. (3) Where is the text probably taken from? 
      A . A research paper. B . A science fiction. C . A travel brochure. D . A geography textbook.
