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  • 1. (2023高一下·定海月考)  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 

     There are hundreds of genres (流派) of music, so while some might like one kind, others might like something completely different. Why do people like different kinds of music? 

      At the same time, music can also help us feel like part of a group or a culture, especially one that shares an interest in a certain kind of music.  

    Music can also be nostalgic, that is, it creates a kind of longing for the past. Musicians leave behind a footprint with their music. Even long after the musicians are gone, people still find something in the musicians' recordings that they can enjoy.

     We may also find that the music we like is strongly tied to our memory. Maybe there was a song that someone sang to us when we were little that brings up good memories.  

     When we listen to music that we like, a chemical called dopamine is sometimes released in the brain, which can make us feel good.  There are some algorithms (算法) today that can help pick up on the kind of music we like. When we are streaming music, some programs will let us like or dislike songs.  

    People's taste in music can remain the same in their whole life or it can change many times. But the truth is, we don't know all the exact answers to why people like different kinds of music — or sports, or food, or colors. We are all different people who like different things.

    A. It's music to our ears.

     B. Music can be a part of our identity.  

     C. It becomes a mirror that we are holding up.  

    D. They leave a permanent mark in people's lives.

     E. Therefore, we might want to listen to a song on repeat.  

     F. Other times, we might find music can bring up sad memories.  

     G. There are lots of different factors that can influence our preferences.  
