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  • 1. (2024高三下·大同月考)  读后续写,阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 

    A picture book stood quietly on the shelf of a children's bookstore, waiting for young readers to read it.

    One day, a little girl came. She sat down on the ground and read the picture book with interest. Then she put it back on the shelf, took out her pocket and said to the book, "I love you so much, but I can't afford you. My father is working out of the town, and my mother is ill now. You see, my pocket is empty. I have no money. "

    The next day, the little girl came again. She read the picture book again, and wrote a note, reading: "I want to read you once more, but I can't come tomorrow because I will go to the hospital to take care of my mother. Can you fly over to my house like a bird? The note has my home address on it. " She put the note into the book, and left the bookstore.

     How the picture book wanted to fly into the arms of the little girl! Books needed readers who liked them most, just like the little girl needed her mother. But it was not a bird. It could not fly, and its hardcover could not flap like wings. The picture book could do nothing but huddle (蜷缩) in the middle of the books, waiting for the girl to come again.  

     One day, there was a big boy who loved reading. He put all the books he liked into his shopping basket, including the picture book. His mother paid the bill for all the books without saying anything.  

     The big boy had his own bookshelf in his room, with all kinds of books ranked neatly on it. He began to read one book after another that he had bought. When he got to the picture book, he found the note. He was so surprised that he gave it to his mother. His mother read it and was deeply touched, knowing that there was a little girl who loved the picture book but could not afford it. They resolved to deliver the picture book to the address that the little girl had written on the note.  

    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段每段的开头语已为你写好。 

     Paragraph 1: 

     The next day, the deliveryman returned the picture book, saying the girl could not be reached.  


     Paragraph 2: 

     Until one day, the big boy heard a woman and a girl talking in the house.  

