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  • 1. (2023·陕西)  阅读第二封英文书信,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使书信连贯完整。 

     Dear Helen Keller,  

     I'm glad to write to you again to tell you how your book has influenced me.  

     I read that you really brought your parents lots of 1  and they didn't know what to do! Then they found a great 2  for you—Ms. Sullivan. With great patience, she showed and taught you that there was a word to describe every object and idea. Because of Ms. Sullivan, you're now able to 3  and write by touch.  

     I also read that you love to ask questions. So now, I do the same thing as you do. It really helps me a lot to 4  . I am learning more now than I ever did before I lost my hearing. Maybe my mother is 5  when she says "every cloud has a silver lining." Even when something seems really bad, a 6  thing can come from it.  

    I have a best friend Anna Bailey in my city. When I lost my hearing, I 7 I would lose this friend. I thought she might want to play only with people who could hear. But I was wrong. Anna stayed 8 with me. She even helped me. She told me I would get used to being deaf. "It might take some time," she said. "But you'll find your feet. " She made me feel 9 .

     When I first heard about you, I was really 10  and interested. Even though you are deaf and blind, you can do almost anything! You even went to college. You are like a hero to me. I hope that one day I can visit you.  


     Amelia Grant 

     The saying means that "every sad or difficult situation has a positive side".  

     The expression "to find your feet" means "to become confident in a new situation".  

    A . trouble B . help C . advice D . luck
    A . cleaner B . worker C . teacher D . driver
    A . dance B . read C . play D . watch
    A . answer B . draw C . see D . learn
    A . wrong B . right C . free D . busy
    A . good B . strange C . funny D . usual
    A . ordered B . forgot C . hoped D . thought
    A . members B . cousins C . friends D . strangers
    A . happy B . sad C . bad D . shy
    A . worried B . bored C . tired D . surprised
