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  • 1. (2023高一下·通辽期末)  阅读理解

    People are less active nowadays, partly because technology has made our lives easier. There is public transport for us to take. There are washing machines to wash our clothes. We enjoy ourselves in front of a screen. Fewer people are doing manual work, and most of us have jobs that involve little physical effort. As a result, we move around less, burn off less energy, and have more health problems. 

    So, what should we do to handle this modern problem? Exercise is a great cure we have always had, but sadly we have ignored it for too long. 

    Evidence shows that whatever your age, being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life. People who exercise often have fewer chances to develop many long-term illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. What is more, physical activity can also boost self-respect, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reduce your risk of suffering from stress and depression. "If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the best medicines ever invented," says a health expert.

    1. (1) Why people are less active nowadays? 
      A . Because technology has made our lives easier. B . Because the weather is not good. C . Because people have less time. D . Because doing exercise is very tired, people don't like to do exercise.
    2. (2) Which is Not the result of less exercise? 
      A . Move around less. B . Burn off less energy. C . Burn off more energy. D . Have more health problems.
    3. (3) What should we do to handle this modern problem? 
      A . Go to a hospital. B . Keep away from disease. C . Go to bed early. D . Do more exercise.
    4. (4) Which of the following is Not True ? 
      A . Being physically active can help you lead a healthier life. B . Being physically active can help you lead a happier life. C . People who exercise often have fewer chances to suffer from illness. D . People who exercise are often easier to suffer from illness.
    5. (5) Why did the author write this passage? 
      A . List the health problems modern people have. B . Explain the benefits of exercise. C . Complain that people are less active nowadays. D . Tell people the reason for less exercise.
