Once upon a time in a village, there lived a small boy named Varun, who lost his mother when he was 10 years old. Varun's father loved his son very much and worked very hard every day on the farm to meet the need of his son. And because of his hard-work, Varun got an opportunity for higher education. Since Varun was intelligent, he studied very well and got placed in one of the best companies in the Town after graduation.
Varun had to take his father along with him because his father was old and sick. Varun's father who was very self-dependent did not want to rely on his son. But . his relatives convinced him to go along with his son and stay with him.
After a few days, Varun's father who was already ill got sicker day by day. Varun took care of his father and served all the things that were necessary for him. But Varun started thinking his own life, which made him unhappy and stressed. He started ignoring his father.
In one evening when Varun came back home, he said to his father that he wanted to take him for an outing. Varun's father felt so happy that he immediately got up from his bed. And he was very excited to spend some precious time with his son. But actually Varun had already made up his mind to take his father for a long walk and leave him on the way. While walking, Varun's father picked up all the wooden sticks(棍状物, 条状物) and kept them aside on the road, leaving a gap (间隔, 差距) and keeping the sticks one after another on the road.
Seeing his father doing this, Varun was very confused.
Then Varun realized that his father knew everything.