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    Do you want to visit the coldest place in the world? Thousands of tourists 1 Antarctica(南极洲) every year. They go there in the summer because it is never dark. The sun 2 all day and all night. It is very cold in Antarctica in the summer, 3 not as cold as in the winter. In the winter the 4 is very low, sometimes -80℃ and it is always dark, all day and all night. Most 5 go to Antarctica by ship. They usually sleep and eat on the ship because there are no hotels in Antarctica.

    Tourists can see some amazing 6 in Antarctica. The biggest animal in the world lives there. It is the blue whale. A blue whale is 30 meters long and can weigh 150,000 kilos. But only 7 tourists may see one. 8 animal tourists always see when they visit Antarctica is the penguin. Lots of penguins live there. Penguins are 9 birds. They can fly and swim very well. They 10 little fat men wearing black clothes.

    A . catch B . discuss C . visit
    A . rests B . shines C . rises
    A . so B . and C . but
    A . temperature B . address C . weight
    A . customers B . teachers C . tourists
    A . birds B . animals C . games
    A . famous B . lucky C . rich
    A . Others B . the other C . Another
    A . strange B . beautiful C . noisy
    A . look after B . look for C . look like
