For motorcycle enthusiasts, nothing beats the excitement of riding your motorcycle on the open highway with the wind on your back. With gas prices rising, riding motorcycles is economical and a much greener way to travel. Along with the benefits comes the risk of personal injury if an accident occurs. After all, you're not protected by steel like you are while driving your car. Besides a helmet (头盔), the latest safety innovations, new airbag jeans, are personal airbags that you can wear to better protect your life.
Airbags have been protecting people in car accidents for decades. Now, a Swedish company, Mo' cycle, teamed up with an airbag technology company which previously produced upper body protection for motorcycle riders, to design and produce the airbags jeans. This kind of airbag can offer protection for the motorcycle rider's lower body, especially the tailbone, in case of an accident. According to the company, "It reformed the airbag technology to protect the first bone of the spinal column(脊柱), because spinal column injury is the leading cause of disability among motorcycle riders. "
The airbag jeans look like ordinary trousers. Its component is removable and the jeans can be washed, dried, and worn again. The jeans are made of the materials called Armalith which is stronger and weighs less than steel. Armalith helps to prevent riders from injuries after a fall. The airbags fixed into the fabric help protect the rider if he or she falls off the motorcycle. If the rider is separated from the vehicle, the airbags are touched off in seconds. That's because the mechanism is actually a chain that connects the jeans to the motorcycle.
Mo' cycle's airbag jeans are available on the company's crowd funding campaign along with an airbag shirt and a complete protection package. Obviously, they can provide protection for more motorcycle riders. Making the roads safer for them is certainly a worthy effort.