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  • 1. (2023八下·路桥期末)  阅读理解

    ①Being confident(自信的) isn't just about what you know or think; confidence comes from how you feel in your body, too.

    ②How you hold yourself matters. How you sit or stand--your posture( 姿 势 )-- makes a difference from your feelings. For example, if your shoulders are hunched( 弓 背 ), your head's down, you feel different from the way you feel when you're sitting or standing straight with your head up and your shoulders back. Try the 2 postures now and ask yourself, "How do I feel now?"

    ③____. Research has found that when you're hunched with your arms and legs crossed, and looking down, your body sends you chemicals( 化学物质) that can make you feel more stressed or worried. Doctor Maria Evans says your body and brain are connected. "When you stand with your back tall, legs apart, hands on waist(腰部) and head up, your body sends the message to your mind that you feel confident and strong."

    ④Take a power pose. Your body language doesn't just affect( 影 响 ) how you feel, it tells other people how nervous or brave you feel, too. Bring to mind a movie or TV character you like. Think about how they show being brave or strong and how they sit, stand or walk. See if you can do the same. Do you feel nervous before a test or when doing something new? Try a "power pose" and you can feel more confident. Sit or stand up straight with both feet on the ground, and put your hands on your waist. Keep your head up, looking straight ahead and smile. Do this for a couple of minutes. Evans advises kids to do a power pose for a few minutes before school, "Notice how your feeling has changed and how you become more confident."

    1. (1) In Paragraph 2, the writer shows how the posture makes a difference by____.
      A . telling stories B . asking questions C . listing numbers D . comparing examples
    2. (2) Which of the followings can be the best to fill in the blank____.
      A . Being confident is important. B . Do as a brave man does. C . Your body talks to your brain. D . Try to use different body languages.
    3. (3) Which picture shows a "power pose" according to Paragraph 4?
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) The purpose of writing the passage is .
      A . to explain how body talks with brain B . to introduce a study on how to be confident C . to describe the feelings of different postures D . to call on doing right postures to be confident
