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  • 1. (2023八下·海曙期末)  阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Sarah was sad these days because her best friend Jenny was moving to another city. Jenny promised to write to her, but Sarah didn't 1  what she promised. "She is sure to forget our friendship and make new 2 ," Sarah thought to herself. So she decided not to play with her 3

    On Monday Jenny asked if Sarah wanted to sit 4  her at the school play. Sarah said no Jenny sat alone and looked 5

    Thursday was Sarah's 6 . Her mom didn't have time to get her the special coat she wanted. Her dad had to leave early for a meeting. It seemed 7 cared that it was her birthday. But when Sarah 8 school, Jenny was sitting outside with a box wrapped (包装的) in the 9 silver paper. Jenny gave Sarah the present and Sarah 10 it silently, thinking about 11 "unkind she was these days. It was a stationery set, a shiny pen, and a book of stamps. At the bottom of the box was a notice, saying, "12 will never be stopped by distance (距离). " Seeing this, Sarah 13 help crying. She finally realized that 14 Jenny was moving, they would keep in touch with each other and be friends forever.

    Since Jenny moved away, Sarah has spent hours 15  emails to Jenny, and even more hours creating handwritten letters to her. That's how their friendship lasts. 

    A . believe B . forget C . know D . give
    A . neighbours B . classmates C . students D . friends
    A . anything B . anymore C . anyone D . anyway
    A . opposite B . among C . behind D . next to
    A . surprised B . happy C . sad D . excited
    A . birthday B . workday C . weekday D . payday
    A . everyone B . anyone C . someone D . no one
    A . cleaned up B . fixed up C . got to D . handed out
    A . prettiest B . loudest C . tallest D . worst
    A . threw B . opened C . dropped D . made
    A . who B . what C . how D . why
    A . Surprises B . Happiness C . Problems D . Friendship
    A . wouldn't B . couldn't C . mustn't D . shouldn't
    A . instead B . as if C . even though D . because
    A . reading B . writing C . copying D . hearing
