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  • 1. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Joe and Fred went for a walk last Sunday. They1 some sandwiches with them, but they2 to take something to drink. It was very hot. At 12:00, they were very3 and thirsty. They found the nearest cafe, went in and sat down4 the table with their sandwiches. 

    "Good afternoon. Can I help you? " the man behind the bar asked. 

    Joe looked at Fred and said, "Apple juice, I think. Yes, two glasses of apple juice. Is that5 for you, Fred? "

    "Yes, that's all right, " said Fred. Then he turned6 the man behind the bar and said, "And I want it in a 7 glass! Don't forget that. "

    The man behind the bar poured the8 into the glasses and9 them to Joe and Fred. Then he10 , "Who wanted the clean glass? " 

    A . ate B . gave C . took D . brought
    A . remembered B . forgot C . had D . went
    A . hungry B . happy C . angry D . fat
    A . on B . under C . at D . in
    A . OK B . right C . wrong D . many
    A . to B . on C . down D . off
    A . big B . small C . clean D . empty
    A . food B . juice C . apple D . orange
    A . got B . arrived C . took D . carried
    A . told B . asked C . spoke D . talked
