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  • 1. (2023高二下·丽水期末)  阅读理解 

     People who work with octopuses(章鱼)or who spend a lot of time in their company describe the sense that when you look at an octopus, there is something looking back. Given this feeling as a starting point, how do you begin to explore the consciousness(意识)of an animal so unlike ourselves?  

    Imagining an octopus's inner life is a hard thing to do from our human standpoint. When you picture the tips of your suckered limbs moving, what do you imagine it feels like? "The octopus's arms are, in some ways, more like lips or tongues than hands," says Godfrey-Smith, a professor of history and philosophy of science. "There's a great deal of sensory information that's coming in every time the animal does anything. That's very different from our situation. "

    Take a closer look at the octopus's nervous system, and things get even stranger. The octopus's arms have more autonomy than our human arms and legs do. Each has its own minibrain, giving it a degree of independence from the animal's central brain. Our own nervous system, however, is highly centralized, with the brain the center of sensory integration, emotion, movement, behavior and other actions.

    The closer you look at the octopus's body and nervous system, the harder it becomes to grasp—or believe you are grasping—what it might be like to be an octopus. However hard it might be to do, it's worth trying to understand whether octopuses have consciousness, and what it's like if they do, says Godfrey-Smith. This is why the octopus is such an interesting case. Octopuses are different enough from us that a lot of our assumptions about them have to be questioned—and even our assumptions about ourselves. "By asking whether octopuses are conscious like us, we might be asking a question that doesn't make a lot of sense because we don't fully know what it's like to be conscious," says Godfrey-Smith.

    1. (1) What does the author try to do in paragraph 1?  
      A . Introduce his special feeling about studying octopuses. B . Share his unique experience of working with octopuses. C . Inspire the readers' interest in learning about octopuses. D . Show the meaning of studying consciousness of animals.
    2. (2) In which way are the octopus's arms special according to Godfrey-Smith?
      A . Their structure. B . Their function. C . Their movement. D . Their number.
    3. (3) How is paragraph 3 mainly developed?  
      A . By listing statistics. B . By analyzing causes. C . By giving examples. D . By making comparisons.
    4. (4) What can we know about octopuses from the last paragraph?  
      A . Octopuses are really similar to humans in some way. B . More work is needed to study octopuses' consciousness. C . Most assumptions about octopuses are completely wrong. D . It makes no sense to research if octopuses are conscious.
