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  • 1. (2022四下·井研期末) 根据短文内容选择正确的答案。

    Hello, I'm Dick. Look! This is a photo of my family. We took it eight years ago(以前). The little boy is me. I was three then. I was a bit shy. I wasn't naughty. The man is my father. He was tall and thin then. Now he's fat. The woman is my mother. She was nice to anyone (任何人). They were young then. Next Sunday, we'll take a photo in the park again. And we'll have a picnic there. Bread is our favourite food. I'll take much bread. My mother will take some milk. My father will take some fruit.

    1. (1) Dick is ____________ years old now.
      A . three B . eight C . eleven
    2. (2) Dick was ___________. He wasn't___________.
      A . naughty; shy B . shy; naughty C . shy; cute
    3. (3) Dick's father was _____________ then.
      A . tall and thin B . short and fat C . tall and fat
    4. (4) —What will they do next Sunday?


      A . They'll take a photo. B . They'll have a picnic. C . They'll have a picnic and take a photo in the park.
    5. (5) —What will they take for picnic?


      A . Bread. B . Milk. C . Bread, milk and fruit.
